Thursday, February 21, 2008

A dialogue with the devil

"So what's the problem?", asked the devil, after all I didn't raise this question until now. So "Why now?", insisted the devil. I had no answer, may be because I was witnessing the fruition of others' dreams and dreamed about myself in that position. I asked,"Am I not wasting my gifts?", "Am I not supposed to be doing that? Am I not supposed to create value? Am I not being locally greedy to sacrifice the global fruit?". "But you always knew it, you were the one who justified the decision, you clearly knew that summer what you were doing, you clearly knew you had no chance of returning back, you also clearly knew how false their world is. You clearly illustrated the flaws in their arguments and assumptions.", it replied. I still used "it" as the proper pronoun to refer to it, as in spite of all the logic and reason and rationality, I sensed something wrong and lowly with it. "Yes I did, but the popular opinion supports their views and assumptions, and isn't it the popular opinion that counts in deciding between whats good and whats evil? Isn't it the only way to differentiate and classify things. Man being a social animal has learnt this lesson now and again, that no matter what reason dictates, its always the majority whose view is taken as the final view. Its always been an illogical democracy in nature, at least in the world controlled by man. All other attempts have had a very short life." The devil smiled and shrugged, " I am aware of the recent changes that have happened to you, you have been listening to people's views a lot, been following them a bit, trying to do whats necessary and acceptable, but can't you see how much you don't belong there? how much it irritates you to find so much chaos, so much non-reason, so much dependence on instincts without any sense of reasonability. You have in a sense forgotten your own ideas, you always knew that its the non-reason thats hailed and glorified here, and you had the answer too. You knew that you just had to disguise the reason and cover it up with a cloak of non-reason and present it to them, so what's wrong now. Thats the way you sell it to them. But for yourself, you always knew that it just had to be logical, because whatever happens its always reason that triumphs because of its inherent superiority, because of the inherent inferiority of non-reason which tends to ignore whats absolute and whats truth. So whats wrong now? Just remind yourself of the reasons behind your decisions ? Everything will be all right now". Slowly I could sense it take over me, and I could sense its mask melting and Him coming out. This was all I needed, I just needed to see it as Him. This was the truth, this was the moment you expected before starting this dialogue. Now I can sleep peacefully.

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